Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza

Free Movement

Entry in Romania of EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens and members of their families

Are you a citizen of a State of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or of Switzerland and you want to come to Romania? You can enter through any border crossing point if you present a valid national identity document, passport or other document certifying the identity and recognized by the Romanian state.

See a list of Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Citizens of EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation may enter and stay in Romania according to the right to free movement and residence guaranteed by the Romanian state legislation in line with European provisions. If you stay in Romania longer than 3 months you must register your residency (by obtaining a registration certificate) to the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

Entry in Romania of family members who are not EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation

If you are a family member with a nonUE / EEA / Swiss Confederation state citizenship you can enter in Romania through all border crossing points if you present a passport and a valid visa. A visa is required if you come from a state where the visa is mandatory for entry into Romania.

Consult the list of countries whose citizens do not need visas to enter Romania.

Consult the list of countries whose citizens need a visa to enter Romania.

The entry visa is granted on request by diplomatic missions and consular offices, with prior approval of the National Visa Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 48 hours without payment of consular fees.
See a list of diplomatic missions and consular offices.

To obtain a visa you must submit the following documents:

  1. application form;
  2. valid passport;
  3. passport or identity card of a EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen (original and copy); in case the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen was already on Romanian territory;
  4. documents showing that the applicant for a visa is going to accompany the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen whose family member he is or to join him / her in Romania. If the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen is registered with residence in Romania, it is sufficient to submit the copy of the document certifying this.
  5. if applicable, the following documents:
    1. documentation of marriage or of kinship with the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen for family members (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.);
    2. documents issued by authorities of the EU / EEA country that can prove that the visa applicant is a family member of the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen, is dependent upon him / her or cohabitates with the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen, or he is dependent upon him / her and for serious medical reasons he needs the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen’s care;
    3. document attesting that the individual’s partnership with the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen was registered in the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation state (if registered partnership) or documents certifying that the visa applicant has a long-standing relationship of cohabitation with the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen (if not registered partnership);

The refusal of visa issuance shall be notified in writing to the applicant, and the communication will contain the reasons that led to the refusal, information on where the decision can be challenged and the deadline for the appeal;

Exceptions from the entry visa for family members who are not EU / EEA nationals

The family member who is not a citizen of the European Union is exempt from the requirement to obtain an entry visa if they cumulatively meet the following requirements:

  1. is accompanying a European Union citizen or joins an EU citizen exercising his right of residence in Romania;
  2. holds a valid document attesting residence in another Member State as a family member of an EU citizen whom he accompanies or whom he joins in Romania;


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