Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


26 January 2022

If you are a citizen EU / EEA / or member of his/her family and have a continuous and legal stay in Romania for a period exceeding 5 years, you can apply for permanent residency.

The validity of permanent residence card is 10 years from the date of issue, except those that are issued for people aged under 14 whose validity is 5 years from date of issue.

To obtain the permanent residence card (the document that certifies permanent residence in Romania) you must submit to the local services of the General Inspectorate for Immigration in the county where you live, the following documents:

  1. For citizens of EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation
    1. application form;
    2. valid identity card or passport (original and copy);
    3. registration certificate (original and copy);
    4. papers and documents that prove the conditions provided by law on the legality and continuity of residence * in order to obtain the right of permanent residence.
    5. taxes
  2. For family member of the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens
    1. application form;
    2. valid passport (original and copy);
    3. residence card (original and copy);
    4. papers and documents that prove the conditions provided by law on the legality and continuity of residence * in order to obtain the right of permanent residence.
    5. taxes

*The requirements for legality and continuity of the residence

The requirements of legality are met when:

  1. you benefited, until 31.12.2006 of, the right to stay in Romania in accordance with the provisions of GEO 194/2002 as amended and supplemented, and after 01.01.2007 you have exercised the right to free movement and residence according to GEO 102/2005 as amended and supplemented.
  2. No action of removing from Romania according to GEO 194/2002, as amended and supplemented, or measure of limiting or restricting the right of free movement and residence, according to GEO 102/2005, as amended and supplemented, was taken againts you.

In establishing the continuity of the stay in Romania, shall not be considered as interruptions the following situations: temporary absences from Romania not exceeding six months, the absence for compulsory military service, motivated absence by the condition of pregnancy and childbirth, due to a serious illness. Are not considered interruptions neither the absences for participation in educational or professional training programs or moving for work in another Member State or third country for a maximum period of 12 consecutive months.

The proof for the continuity of residence is the responsibility of the applicant and may be done by any evidence.

The right of permanent residence is lost in the case of absence from the Romanian territory for a period longer than 2 consecutive years.

Permanent residence cards issued to citizens of the European Union until the entry into force of Law no. 247/20.07.2022 for the modification and completion of normative acts regarding the residence documents issued to citizens of the European Union and their family members, maintain their validity until their expiration date.

At the exchange of the permanent residence card due to expiration, the applicant must submit, with 30 days before the expiration of the document, the following:

  1. application form (if is necessary);
  2. valid identity card or passport for the European Union citizen;
  3. permanent residence card;
  4. taxes

At the exchange of the permanent residence card due to changes occurred regarding the name, nationality and address of residence, the applicant shall submit:

  1. application form (as the case);
  2. valid identity card or passport (original and copy);
  3. permanent residence card;
  4. proof of the changes occurred (except the declared residence address);
  5. taxes


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