Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


27 January 2022

The program of social integration

Enrollment in the integration program

Piloting integration

In Romania, each institutional actor (MAI, MEC, MMPS, MS etc.) is responsible for the integration of foreigners in its field, while the coordination and monitoring of the policy belongs to the Ministry of Interior Affairs, through the General Immigration Inpectorate, which has the power to provide, through its regional structures, specific services to facilitate the integration in Romanian society of different categories of foreigners.

Institutional coordination is achieved mainly through meetings with decision makers (organized by the National Strategy on Migration) and the meeting of experts (organized periodically by the General Inspectorate for Immigration and the Asylum and Integration Directorate). The measures provided by law for achieving integration aim on the one hand to facilitate access to a range of social and economic rights such as the right to employment, to housing, the right to education, the right to health care and social assistance and secondly to conduct integration programs (specific cultural orientation activities, counseling and learning the Romanian language).

Goverment Ordinance no.44/2004 on the social integration of foreigners who obtained a form of protection in Romania, with subsequent amendments defines social integration as the active participation of foreigners who were granted a form of protection or a right of residence in Romania and citizens of Member States of the European Union and European economic Area in the economic, social and cultural development of Romanian society in order to prevent social exclusion, respectively to adapt to the conditions of Romanian society.

The overall objective of the policy on integration of foreigners who obtained a form of protection in Romania, is to help them self-sustain, become independent from assistance from the state or non-governmental organizations and actively participate in the economic, social and cultural life.

In this regard the General Inspectorate for Immigration through regional centers will support these people by offering a package of services combined in Integration Program.

If you are refugee or have a subsidiary protection status in Romania we encourage you to apply for the integration program to facilitate your adaptation to Romanian society.

You can register in the integration program within 90 days after receiving a form of protection (from IGI or the court). After 90 days you will no longer be able to access the integration program. Think well before you refuse this opportunity!

The integration program can offer:

  • Accommodation, upon request, IGI centers for the period you are enrolled in the integration program (up to 12 months). In order to benefit from this service you will have to pay a monthly contribution representing the cost of utilities. The vulnerable persons are exempted from the payment of utilities, according to Government Ordinance 44/2004.
  • In exceptional situations, the integration officers may consider the extension of the integration program by another 6 months based on a motivated request;
  • Romanian language courses organized with the support of school inspectorates and additionally through the partner NGOs IGI;
  • Cultural accommodation sessions supported by IGI or partner NGOs;
  • Providing, during a period of three months, an amount equal to the material aid for asylum seekers;
  • Social counseling that includes access to the rights you have in Romania: the right to employment,the right to housing, the right to health and social care, social security, the right to education.
  • Counseling and psychological support;
  • Material aid grant amounting to 540 lei / person for a period of up to 12 months, under the condition of taking part in these activities and in the integration program and in the specific individual integration plan.
  • After completing the program, you can apply for financial support to pay for accommodation outside the center, settling up to 50% of the accommodation costs for a period of one year.

After enlisting in the integration program you will have the following obligations:

  • You must attend the activities scheduled in individual integration plan
  • You have to respect the rules of procedure applied in the accommodation center
  • You must inform IGI about any changes which might affect the presence at the integration activities or the granting of non-refundable financial aid

Useful information on the Non- Refundable Material Aid

This financial aid is designed to give you the support you need to start integrating into the Romanian society. You can only receive this help if you do not have your own means of sustenance/support, you are enrolled and participate in the activities established in the integration program.The amount granted is 540 RON /person, per month for a maximum period of 12 months.

The aid was designed to cover your basic needs, such as utilities, food, clothing, and is conditioned by the participation in activities included in the Integration Program. If you do not enroll in the Integration Program and if you do not participate in the activities, the aid may be suspended or canceled.

To get this financial aid you must file a request to the integration officer of IGI as soon as possible after enrollment in the Integration Program and within 3 months after you have been given the form of protection. If you do not respect this deadline, your application will be rejected.. The integration officer will assist you in obtaining the necessary documents.

Remember that this aid is temporary and that you will have access to it only once in your lifetime. It is very important to find ways to supporting yourself on the long term by finding a legal job or starting your own business.



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