Yesterday, Arad District’s IMMIGRATION officers accomplished their assigned mission consisting of removing out of Romanian territory of a number of nine aliens, previously being taken in public custody. After departing ROMANIA, there were issued DECISIONS BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA for the next 5 years.
On 29 November 2022, IMMIGRATION officers working with the Arad Centre for Accommodation of Aliens taken in Public Custody, performed an escorting mission consisting of removing out of Romanian territory of a number of nine aliens, out of whom six males and three females Turkyie nationals, aged between 19 and 39 years old, all already being in public custody.
All previously mentioned aliens, illegally entered ROMANIA at the beginning of November 2022, being caught in the act while attempting to illegally cross international state border. Before being removed from Romanian territory, all were taken in public custody according with legal provisions.
After completing legal proceedings, all mentioned above aliens were removed from Romanian territory via International Airport Border Crossing Cluj-Napoca.
Before departing Romanian territory, as requested by law there were issued DECISIONS BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA for the next 5 years-as requested by the Emergency Ordinance of Romanian Government no. 194/2002(with all later legal amendments, regarding the legal status of the aliens in Romania).
IMMIGRATION officers accomplished their assigned mission having operational support of Arad District Gendarmerie Inspectorate.
According to the provisions of the mentioned above law, the DECISION BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA is issued when specific requirements are met. This takes place in the same time with the issuing of a RETURNING DECISION.
In line with the above mentioned law, the DECISION BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA is issued either by the GENERAL INSPECTORATE FOR IMMIGRATION or by the BORDER POLICE (only when the alien was not subject of a DECISION OF REMOVALE FROM ROMANIAN TERRITORY ), and against aliens mentioned in article no.8,paragraph (1), letters b)-d) and paragraph (2),letter a)-b^1)or those who do not meet the requirements stipulated by the article 6,paragraph(10,letter h).
DECISION BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA is not issued if the alien found in illegal situation (illegal residence)produces necessary evidences proving that he/she was in impossibility of leaving Romanian territory based on humanitarian grounds or based on other objective reasons, out of his powers.
The issuing of the DECISION BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA it is handed over to the aliens, in written form, by the Office which issued the proceedings act and it will mandatory mention the reasons behind the decision, de jure and de facto, and also all information related to the appeal proceedings.
The DECISION BANNING ENTERING ROMANIA can be appealed by the alien subject to this measure, in front of the Court of Appeal within the area of responsibility of the IMMIGRATION OFFICE which issued the banning, within 10 days from the day of receiving the decision.
Appeal does not suspend the proceedings of removal from the Romanian territory.
Appellant Court decision is final.
For further information regarding this legal matters and the duration of this forbidding decision you can visit the following link: