Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza

Single permit

27 January 2022

After entering Romania you must obtain a single permit or a EU Blue Card. The document certifies your right to stay in Romania and you can get it from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration in the county where you live. In order to obtain a single permit or a EU Blue Card, you will personally submit a number of documents at least 30 days before the expiry of the right to stay granted by the visa. You also have the possibility to submit the documents through the online service, available at

For the first extension of the right of residence (getting the first single permit or the EU Blue Card) for employment you must submit the following documents:


– the border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) in original and duplicate

proof of legal ownership of the living space in original and duplicate

individual employment contract;

– print screen from the register of the employees, at the section containing the data about the individual employment contract signed by the employer

salary statement;

medical certificate


The single permit is renewed at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one. For further extension of the right of residence (getting a new single permit) you must submit the following documents:


– border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) in original and duplicate

proof of legal ownership of the living space in original and duplicate

individual employment contract;

salary statement;

medical certificate


Other foreign citizens whose right to stay is prolonged:


a) application

b) border crossing document (original and copy)

c) the decision of deployment translated and legalized

d) proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and duplicate)

e) proof of financial means of support amounting to at the minimum gross salary in the economy

f) proof of social health insurance

g) medical certificate ;

h) fees


a) application

b) border crossing document (original and duplicate)

c) deployment decision, translated and legalized

d) a copy of the individual employment contract, registered with the competent authorities of the respective Member State, translated and legalized

e) copy of residence permit in the EU or EEA Member State

f) proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and duplicate)

g) proof of financial means of support amounting to at the minimum gross salary in the economy

h) proof of social health insurance

i) medical certificate;

j) fees


a) application;

b) operating licence

c) proof of legal relations between the applicant and the representative office

d) proof of legal possession of the space for the headquarters

e) proof of financial means of support

f) medical certificate;

g) proof of legal ownership of living space

h) proof of social health insurance

i) fees


a) application;

b) proof certificate issued by O.N.R.C.

c) evidence of legal relations between the applicant and representative office

d) proof of legal possession of the space for headquarters

e) medical certificate;

f) proof of means of support

g) proof of legal ownership of the living space

h) proof of social health insurance

i) fees

The request for the granting of the extension of the right of residence for employment / deployment will be settled within 30 days from the date of its submission. In case further checks are required, the deadline for resolving the application may be extended by no more than 15 days.

The request for extension of the right to stay, filed by the holder of a EU Blue Card obtained in another EU Member State shall be settled within 15 days since reception.

Further extension of the right to temporary residence for the purpose of posting as an ICT worker is possible under the following conditions:

  • the beneficiary of the provision of services obtained a posting permit for the ICT worker concerned, under the provisions of the special legislation on employment and posting of foreigners in Romania
  • they show the proof of the means of support amounting to at the minimum gross salary in the economy.

The right to temporary residence for the purpose of posting as an ICT worker is extended for the duration of the transfer within the same company, but no longer than three years for managers and specialists and one year for trainee employees, from the moment of their arrival in Romania for this purpose.

Further extension of the right to temporary residence for the purpose of posting as an ICT worker is granted without exceeding a total of three years for managers and specialists and one year for trainee employees, from the moment of their entry on the Romanian territory for this purpose, if the initial duration of the transfer within the same company was extended. The foreigner shall submit the following documents: copy of the document by which the posting was extended, translated and legalized, from the contents of which shall result the duration for which the transfer within the same company was extended with the maintaining of the other conditions of posting, and the proof of means of subsistence amounting at least to the average gross salary.

If the information or documents supplied, on which is based the application for extension of the right to temporary residence for employment purposes, is inadequate, the General Inspectorate for Immigration shall notify the applicant of the additional information required and shall set a reasonable deadline for their sending, but not longer than 30 days . The initial 30 days term of answering the application shall be suspended until receipt by the General Inspectorate for Immigration of the additional information or documents required. If the additional information or documents are not supplied by the deadline, the application may be rejected.

The right to temporary residence for employment purposes shall be extended for a period equal to the period of validity of the employment contract, but not more than 1 year.

Foreigners who are highly skilled workers are entitled to an extended temporary residence for work purposes for a period equal to the period of validity of the work contract plus 3 months but not longer than 2 years.

Further extension of the right to temporary residence for employment purposes is also granted for the period during which the foreigners receives unemployment benefits.

Foreigners who benefit from a right to stay in Romania for any of the purposes set by GEO 194/2002 on foreigner regime in Romania, republished, as amended and supplemented, may ask for the prolongation of the right of residence for employment purposes, following the obtaining of a work permit, without having to obtain a long-stay visa for employment.



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