Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


General Inspectorate for Immigration’ s experts actively participate in working groups of the Council of the European Union to promote Romania’s position in the negotiations on the various proposals for legislation on migration and asylum. The provisions of directives, regulations or decisions taken at European level are then transposed into national law in accordance with the obligations assumed by Romania as a EU Member State.

On the other hand, our institution’s  Representatives participate in all working groups organized by the European Commission to discuss practical issues related to implementation of Community legislation on migration and asylum in all Member States.

Romania holding and presiding the EU Council Presidency, in the first half of 2019, involves promoting and supporting the priorities of Romania as a Member State, together with the coordination of working groups organized at European level focusing on its field of competency, GII representatives participating in preparatory activities organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

General Inspectorate for Immigration cooperate with international organizations working in the field, such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration in order to implement policies on migration and asylum with respect for fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, and other active organizations in this field of expertise.

GII also contributes with experts to various regional initiatives, dialogues and other cooperation forms in terms of migration, mobility, preventing and countering illegal migration, readmission, international protection: Budapest Process, Khartouns Process, Salzburg Forum, The Prague Eastern Partnership. They involve, in addition to Member States, other countries from the EU neighborhood.

A priority in the field of international relations and European affairs is cooperation with the two relevant European agencies for immigration and asylum:

European Asylum Support Office (EASO) ( – EU agency to intensify practical cooperation on asylum issues and to support Member States in fulfilling their obligations at European and international level. It was established in Regulation no. 439/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council and plays an important role in the implementation in practice of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). As a center of expertise on asylum, provides practical support, technical and operational Member States whose asylum and reception systems are under particular pressure.

General Inspectorate for Immigration is the National Focal Point in relation to EASO and contributes with expert operative and non-operative asylum experts.

European Border  and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) ( – EU agency which supports Member States and countries associated to the Schengen area to manage external borders, contributing to the harmonization of border controls within the Union. Agency promotes, coordinates and contributes to the development of border management union in accordance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the concept of integrated border management. Agency facilitates cooperation between border authorities in each EU country, providing technical assistance and expertise. It was established by Council Regulation no. 2004/2007 and the powers and organization of the Agency were updated EU Regulation, 1624/2016.

General Inspectorate for Immigration experts participate in operative and non-operative activities on return.



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