Residence cards for family members of citizens of the European Union who are not citizens of the European Union, issued until the date of entry into force of Law no. 247/20.07.2022 for the modification and completion of normative acts regarding the residence documents issued to citizens of the European Union and their family members, maintain their validity until the date of their expiration or until the date of 3 August 2023, whichever occurs first.
2.A.Family members
- application form;
- passport (valid) in original and copy;
- copy of identity card / travel document and a copy of the document certifying residence on the national territory of the European Union citizen;
- act of civil status certifying marriage or, if necessary, documents certifying the family relationship with the resident;
- proof of the existing means of support;
- proof of the existing health insurance;
- taxes
2.B.Partners and dependents
- application form;
- passport (valid) in original and copy;
- copy of identity card / travel document and a copy of the document certifying residence on the national territory of the European Union citizen;
- documents certifying these qualities;
- proof of the existing means of support;
- proof of the existing health insurance;
- taxes