Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


Are you a citizen of a country outside the European Union and European Economic Area? You want to stay in Romania for a period of time and have your business? You need to be a shareholder or a member with management or administration bord of a company and obtain approval of the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment (MEIMMMA).

Once  this notice is obtained you can get a long-term visa from the diplomatic missions and the consular offices. (See list of these).


In order to obtain long-stay visa for commercial activities, you must submit the following documents:

-the official point of view of the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment (MEIMMMA);

– criminal record certificate or other document with the same legal value

– medical insurance valid throughout the visa;

– proof for being able to ensure the conditions of accommodation.

Visa fee is 120 Euro and is paid in the State where you make the request.

All these documents are submitted to the  diplomatic missions or consular offices of Romania.

As internal procedure, long stay visa receives approval from National Visa Center only after obtaining the General Inspectorate for Immigration’ s official point of view, wich is issued within 30 days from receipt of the request, with the possibility to extend the deadline by 15 days.

Long stay visa is granted for a period of 90 days, with one or more entries.


After entering Romania, you must obtain a residence permit. It certifies your right to stay in Romania and you can get to the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration in the county where you live. To obtain a residence permit you will personally submit a number of documents at least 30 days before the expiration of the period of stay, granted by visa. You also have the possibility to submit documents and through the online application, available at

For the first extension of the right of residence (obtaining the first residence permit) for commercial activitie, you must submit the following documents:​

– application;

– border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) in original and copy;

– confirmation of company details;

– notice of the Romanian Centre for the Promotion of Foreign Investments;

– the Company’s registration certificate;

– articles of incorporation;

– registration court order;

– proof of financial means (Amounting to 500 euros a month for associates and 700 euros a month for shareholders during validity of the permit);

– proof of legal possession for the registered office (original and copy);

– proof of legal possession for the registered residence address (original and copy);

– proof of social insurance;

– medical certificate;

– declaration;

– fees

The residence permit is renewed at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one. For further extend the right of residence (getting a new residence permit), you must submit the following documents:​

– application;

– border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) in original and copy;

– confirmation of company details;

– the specialized technical approval issued by the Ministry of Business, Commerce and Entrepreneurship showing that the company’s activity was conducted in accordance with the business plan;

– registrations mentions;

– certificate containing the main financial indicators;

– certificate issued by the competent Labor Territorial Inspectorate, proving the number of persons employed full-time, according to the law;

– proof of financial means (Amounting to 500 euros a month for associates and 700 euros a month for shareholders during validity of the permit);

– proof of legal possession for the registered office (original and copy);

– proof of legal ownership of living space (original and copy);

– proof of social insurance;

– medical certificate;

– fees

The application shall be dealt with within 30 days from the date of its submission. If further checks are required, the deadline for resolving the application may be extended by 15 days. 

If the information or documents provided on which the application for the extension of the right of residence is based are inadequate or incomplete, the General Inspectorate for Immigration shall inform the applicant of the additional information requested and shall set a reasonable time limit for sending them, but not more than 30 of days. The term stipulated in paragraph (4) shall be suspended until the General Inspectorate for Immigration has received the necessary additional information or documents. If no additional information or documents have been provided by the deadline, the application may be rejected.

The right of temporary residence for commercial activities is extended for successive periods of one year. In case of foreigners who prove they have made a minimum investment of 500,000 euros or created more than 50 full-time jobs, the right to stay lasts for 3 years.

In case of investments of at least 150,000 euros or if it had been created at least 25 jobs, proof of means of support can be made with other legal documents.

For the investments at least 200,000 euros or if it had been created at least 50 jobs is no requirement for proof of the means of support.

The amount of investment and number of jobs is calculated based on the participation of the shareholder or shareholders in the company.



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