Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


23 July 2016

Over 110,000 foreign nationals with residence in Romania in the first half of the year

The General Inspectorate for Immigration secured in the first half of 2016, the management of legal stay, in our country, for a total of 110 393 foreign nationals, including 64 677 from third countries and 45 716 fromEuropean Union (EU) Member States, European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.
The main purposes for which foreigners have taken up residence in Romania are related to the family reunification right (family reunification, family members of Romanian citizens, EU or EEA), education, employment or permanent establishment in our country.
Foreigners, for the most part, prefer the counties with the greatest opportunities for the development of economically and educationally point of view. Most of them are in Bucharest and Ilfov, Constanta, Iasi, Cluj and Timis counties.
Statistical data shows that Romania maintains the status of target country for foreigners immigrating to our country consistently. Thus, most registered foreigners are from third countries such as Moldova, Turkey and China and from member states of the EU / EEA, Italy, Germany and France.
Regarding the admission in Romania, during the reference period 5717 visa applications at deposed at embassies overseas were received. 3835 applications were accepted, out of which 2,035 long-stay and 1800short-stay visas.
In the same period 1138 notices for employment/detachment were issued for permanent workers, highly qualified and detached. Also, 71 foreigners were apprehended while deploying working activities without legal forms. 365 sanctions were applied, of a total amount of 442.350 lei (92.850 lei – detected foreigners; 349.500 RON – employers).
Preventing and combating illegal stay of foreigners is a key area of ​​our institution, which requires direct effort to increase the safety of citizens. Thus, several actions and controls were organized through which 1102 peoplewere detected with illegally staying in, slightly higher compared to the same period last year. They were found in all counties, the number of illegally staying being higher in the cities, which are university centers also.
For foreigners in illegal situations or who no longer met the legal conditions for granting or extension of the stay, 892 decisions of return from Romania were issued. Also, for 366 people the prohibition of entry into the country for various periods of time has been applied.

However, during the reference period, 200 foreigners were taken away under escort. Foreigners were detected in 13 counties in Romania, mostly in Bucharest, Arad, Bihor and Timis. For 192 people, which could not be removed within 24 hours, documents of public detention until the return from our country were issued.
As an alternative to forced removal, 82 migrants have opted for voluntary humanitarian repatriation program and left our country at a time agreed with the International Organization for Migration.
Permanent control over compliance with the law for stay of foreigners in Romania, fighting illegal migration and undeclared work remain our priority actions, measures that contribute to increasing citizen safety.
  Information and Public Relations Office



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