Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


27 January 2022

Foreigners with a form of protection in Romania

It is helpful If you own any documents attesting education or professional qualification.

For acces to labour market you do not need a work permit in Romania

The foreigners who were granted with a form of protection have access to the labor market, access to the unemployment insurance system, measures to prevent unemployment and stimulate employment on the same terms as those of Romanian citizens. Moreover, the legal dispositions mentions a support system for foreigners with a form of protection to employment and adaptation of services provided by employment agencies to their specific situation and needs.

Foreign citizens who participate in the integration program are recorded as people looking for a job at the National Agency for Employment within 30 days of the signing of the protocol for integration with the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

The persons included in the integration program cannot refuse without a good reason a job, participation in measures to stimulate employment or in professional training programs, offered by the National Agency for Employment.

For more information and assistance in this regard contact staff integration of IGI and the National Employment Agency in the city / district you live in view records as seeking a job. There are also vocational courses to which you have access, depending on your desires and level of education.

Asylum seekers

It is helpful If you own any documents attesting education or professional qualification.

For acces to labour market you do not need a work permit in Romania

Asylum seekers who have reached three months in administrative procedure and they have not been issued with a decision in this regard, and the delay is not imputable to them, have the right to work in conditions stipulated by law for Romanian citizens.

Also, the asylum seekers who are in the asylum procedure in judicial phase and they have not been issued a final and irrevocable decision have the right to work in conditions stipulated by law for Romanian citizens.

Foreign citizens with residence permit

Foreign citizens residing in Romania, citizens of member states of the EU and EEA and members of their families, as well as foreigners who are family members of Romanian citizens need no work permit employment.



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