Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


1.1.Dependent / Independent Activities

Enumeration of these activities is not exhaustive.
EU citizens and / EEA nationals who carry out activities in Romania, may be registered under the law.


  1. application form;
  2. ID card / passport (original and copy),
  3. labor contract (original and copy) and certificate used by the employer (original),
  4. „print screen” of the general registry of employees’ section where you can find data on labor contract, stamped and signed by the employer to confirm the veracity of the document presented;


  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. deployment contract, the deployment notification translated and legalized in accordance with the law and notification of the branch / company in Romania by confirming that the person is deployed for a period of time stipulated in the contract;

Commercial Activities

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport(original and copy);
  3. certificate issued by the National Trade Register Office, referred to as NTC which can prove that the person conducts business under the law – acts as administrator;

Economic Activities

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. proof that the applicant may exercise the economic activity in the conditions established by Ordinance no.44 / 2008 amended and supplemented – Certificate issued by O.N.R.C. (original and copy);

Professional Activities

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. proof that the applicant may exercise the professional activity – authorization or notice (original and copy) issued under the special law;


  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. voluntary agreement (original and copy) with the host organization, in accordance with the special law;

Humanitarian Activities

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. Interdepartmental Commission approval for the coordination and support of humanitarian activities within the Ministry of Public Health (original and copy);
  4. notification from the host organization confirming that the person concerned carries out religious activities within it, if the notice does not contain this specification;

Religious Activities

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. approval opinion of the State Secretariat for Cults (original and copy);
  4. notification from the host organization confirming that the person conducting religious activities within it, if the notice does not contain this specification;

1.2.Residency based means of support

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. proof of the existing of support;
  4. proof of the existing health insurance – excluding people who are insured without paying contributions according to the Law no.95 213/2006 on healthcare reform, with subsequent amendments;


  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. documents attesting that is enrolled in an accredited educational institution;
  4. proof of the existing means of support;
  5. proof of the existing health insurance except persons falling from 213 para. (1) a) of the Law no.95 / 2006, with subsequent amendments;

1.4.A. Family members (EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation)

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. copy of identity card / travel document and a copy of the document certifying residence on national territory of the European Union citizen;
  4. act of civil status certifying marriage or, if necessary, documents certifying the family relationship with the resident;
  5. prooff of the existing means of support;
  6. proof of the existing health insurance;

1.4.B Family members of the Romanian citizen

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. act of civil status certifying marriage or, if necessary, documents certifying the family relationship with the resident;
  4. identity card of the Romanian citizen in original and copy;
  5. proof of the existing health insurance;

1.4.C. Partners and dependents (EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation)

  1. application form;
  2. ID card or passport (original and copy);
  3. copy of identity card / travel document and a copy of the document certifying residence on the national territory of the European Union citizen;
  4. documents certifying these qualities;
  5. proof of the existing means of support;
  6. proof of the existing health insurance;



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