Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


  • O.U.G (Goverment Emergency Order) no.204 of november 2020 layng down measures for the implementation of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from European Union and and the European Atomic Energy Community, regardind the Regulation of the right of entry and stay on the Romanian territory
  • H.G. (goverment decision) no. 898 of 7 September 2011 on establishing the form and content of residence permits, travel documents and other documents issued to foreigners
  • Regulation of accomodation centers for foreigners in detention approved by the Order of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, no.121/2014
  • OUG (Goverment Emergency Order) no. 194 of 12 December  2002 regarding the regime for foreigners in Romania
  • H.G. (Goverment decision) no. 1.133 of 30 december 2020 regarding the quota of new workers admitted to the labor market in 2021
  • HG (Government decision) no.639 of 20 June 2007 regarding the structure and the attributions of the General Inspectorate for Immigration
  • OUG no.102 of 14 July 2005 regarding the freedom of movement within Romania of citizens from European Union states, the European Economic Area states and from the Swiss Confederation
  • Law no.122 of 4 May 2006 regarding asylum in Romania
  • OG (Government Order) no.44 of 29 January 2004 regarding the social inclusion of foreigners having been granted international protection or the right to stay in Romania as well as of the citizens of European Union and European Economic Area states
  • OG no.25 of 26 August 2014 regarding the entry on the labour market of foreign citizens and their distribution within Romania, respectively modifying and completing various legislative acts concerning the regime of foreign citizens in Romania
  • Law no.360 of 6 June 2002 regarding the status of the police officer



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