Ministry of Internal Affairs
romana engleza


Do you want to study in Romania and have citizenship of a country outside the European Union and European Economic Area? For starters, you must register at the educational institution where you wish to study and be accepted by it.

The next step is obtaining the long stay visa for studies, from the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania.(See list of this).

The long stay visa

You can obtain the long-term visa for studies as a student, master student, doctoral candidate . The institution at which you will study can be public or private, on condition of being accredited according to law. The visa is also granted to foreigners accepted for studies based on international documents to which Romania is a party.

In order to obtain a long stay visa you must submit the following documents:

I. As a higher education (student, master student or PhD student):

  • proof of acceptance for studies issued by the Ministry of Education, showing that you will attend a full-time course of study at a state or private higher education institution, accredited or provisionally authorized according to Law
  • proof of payment of tuition fee for at least one year of study
  • proof of means of support in amount of at least the minimum gross national salary guaranteed in the monthly payment for the entire period inscribed on the visa
  • criminal record certificate or other document with the same legal value
  • medical insurance during the validity period of the visa
  • parental or guardian consent regarding the stay for study purposes in Romania, if the foreigner is underage

II. If you take part in an exchange program for students:

  • proof of acceptance for studies issued by the Ministry of Education showing that you follow a full-time program of education
  • proof of participation in a student exchange program or educational project, conducted by an organization established according to law and recognized for this purpose
  • proof from the organization that makes the exchange of students or educational project, showing that it will provide the means for maintenance, including tuition costs,as well as possible costs for the execution of removal measures
  • medical insurance during the validity period of the visa
  • proof of the provision of accommodation to a family selected by the student exchange organization or educational project and which has a living space considered normal for a family in Romania or in a special accommodation unit selected by the organization carrying out the student exchange or educational project
  • parental or guardian consent regarding the stay for study purposes in Romania, if the foreigner is a minor

III. In the case of foreigners of Romanian origin, scholarship holders of the Romanian state or exempted from paying tuition fees, enrolled in a state pre-university education institution, the high school cycle, frequently, with the presentation of documents:

• proof of acceptance to study, issued by the Ministry of Education, showing that they will attend a form of education frequently at a state pre-university education institution, the high school cycle

• proof of accommodation conditions

 • medical insurance during the validity of the visa

• approval of the parents or guardian regarding the stay for the purpose of studies on the Romanian territory, in the case of minors

IV. In the case of trainees participating in an unpaid vocational training program:

• training agreement

• written commitment of the host entity in the sense that, if an intern stays illegally in Romania, the entity is responsible for reimbursing the expenses incurred from public funds for the stay and removal of the intern

• proof of having a higher education diploma in the last two years preceding the date of application or proof of participation in a course of study leading to such a diploma

• proof of means of subsistence in the amount of at least the level of the minimum gross basic salary per country guaranteed in payment for the entire period entered in the visa

• proof of accommodation conditions.

The visa fee is 120 EUR and is paid in the State where you make the request.

As internal procedure, the long-term visa is approved by the National Visa Center only after obtaining the favorable opinion of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The favorable opinion is issued within 30 days of receiving the request, with the possibility to extend the deadline by 15 days.

The long stay visa is granted for a period of 90 days, with one or more entries.

Particularities of visa for studies

Foreigners participating in an exchange program for students must be between 13 and 19 years of age. Foreign scholarship holders of the Romanian state, scholarship holders of state university educational institutions, accredited or temporarily authorized by law, of attendance courses are not required to prove the payment of tuition fees and proof of means of support for obtaining a visa, and those of Romanian origin they are not obliged to prove the means of support.

The residence permit

After entering Romania, you must obtain a residence permit. It certifies your right to stay in Romania and you can obtain it from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration from the county where you live. In order to obtain a residence permit, you will submit personally a number of documents at least 30 days before the expiry of the right to stay granted by the visa. You also have the possibility to submit the documents through the online service, available at

In order to extend the right of residence (obtaining the residence permit) for studies, you must submit the following documents:

I. If you are a student, master student or doctoral candidate:

– application

– border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and duplicate

– letter of acceptance for the studies – only required on the first extension of the right to stay

– certificate from the educational institution proving that you are enrolled to study at a public or private educational institution, accredited or provisionally authorized by law, in a full-time education program, including participation in PhD courses, on the basis of the approval of the ministry of resort

– proof of means of support amounting to at least the minimum gross salary per country guaranteed in payment for a period of at least 6 months

– proof of legal ownership of living space (original and copy)

– medical certificate;

– fees

Residence permits for beneficiaries of a Romanian state scholarship shall be granted with exemption from paying taxes.

The right of temporary residence for studies may be extended to a maximum of 6 months after graduation, in order to complete the school or university situation, and to authenticate the study papers for this purpose

Foreigners who have not graduated during the initial granted period may be granted a further extension of the right of residence in order to complete their studies for a period no longer than a year.

II. If you are participating in a student exchange program:

– application

– border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and duplicate

– certificate  from the educational institution

– documents showing that the foreigner is participating in a student exchange program, conducted by an institution established according to law and recognized for this purpose

– documents showing that the organization is established and recognized under the law

– certificate from the organization that conducts the exchange students

– proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and duplicate)

– medical certificate;

– fees

Situations of exemption for foreigners studying in Romania

  • Beneficiaries of a Romanian State scholarship are exempted from payment of consular fees, the residence permit and do not have to prove the means of support.
  • Foreigners who are ethnic Romanians (who have an ancestor who has or had Romanian citizenship) do not have to prove the means of support.
  • Foreign students who have reached the age of 26 and need social health insurance for the extension of the right of temporary residence, according to the Law no.95 / 2006 on healthcare reform.
  • Foreigners who have not graduated in the initial period may be granted a further extension of the right of residence, in order to complete their studies, for a period no longer than a year.

Deadlines for the residence permit

The residence permit is renewed at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.

The request for the extension of the right of residence shall be resolved within 30 days from the date of its submission. In case that further checks are required, the deadline for resolving the application may be extended by no more than 15 days.

If the information or documents provided on which the application for the extension of the right of residence is based are inadequate or incomplete, the General Inspectorate for Immigration shall inform the applicant of the additional information requested and shall set a reasonable time limit for sending them, but not more than 30 of days. The term stipulated in paragraph (4) shall be suspended until the General Inspectorate for Immigration has received the necessary additional information or documents. If no additional information or documents have been provided by the deadline, the application may be rejected.

Foreigners who entered Romania for studies can apply for the extension of the right of residence for a period equal to the total duration of studies, in the case of students and pupils, and for a maximum period of one year in the case of foreigners participating in a student exchange program.

The right of temporary residence for studies may be extended for 9 months after graduation, job search and employment or business opening formalities, with the submission of the documents attesting completion of the studies.

Employment during studies

Foreigners holding a temporary right of residence for studies can be employed in Romania without a work permit only with an individual employment contract for part-time work, lasting no longer than 4 hours per day.


Foreigners holding a valid study visa or a long-stay visa for valid studies issued by another EU Member State may enter and remain on the territory of Romania for up to 360 days, known as mobility without the visa requirement if:

a) participate in the courses of a higher education institution in the framework of European Union or multilateral programs comprising mobility measures or an agreement between two or more higher education institutions;
b) a notification has been sent by the higher education institution to the territorial structure of the General Inspectorate for Immigration in whose radius the alien is to carry out his activity.
The notification shall be transmitted at least 30 days before the courses start and shall include at least the following documents:
a) a copy of the border crossing document, valid;
(b) copy of the residence permit or long-stay visa issued by the first Member State;
(c) evidence that the studies are being conducted within the framework of a European Union or multilateral program comprising mobility measures or on the basis of an agreement between two or more higher education institutions;
    d) letter of acceptance to studies issued by the accredited higher education institution;
    e) evidence of the duration and dates planned for participation in studies if they are not specified in evidence of admission to studies;
f) proof that the student has health insurance for all the risks against which Romanian citizens are normally insured;
g) the proof that during the stay in Romania the student has maintenance means in the amount of at least the minimum gross national salary guaranteed in payment, for a period of at least 6 months;
h) the address where the student will live on the territory of Romania.

Within 30 days of the transmission of the notification, the competent territorial unit of the General Immigration Inspectorate may raise objections to student mobility when it is in one of the following situations:
A. (a) it is found that the alien has crossed or attempted to cross the state border illegally or has violated regulations on the employment of aliens;
b) it is established that the alien suffers from a disease endangering public health and is not subject to the medical treatment measures established by the competent authorities. If the illness occurs after the temporary residence permit has been obtained, revocation will be ordered if the alien is not subject to the medical treatment measures established by the competent authorities and the disease is such as to prevent the alien from fulfilling the obligations imposed on him by the provisions of this Emergency Ordinance;
c) the alien has passed or attempted to illegally cross the state border of Romania;
d) the foreigner entered Romania during the period of interdiction for entry into Romania previously ordered;
e) the alien no longer fulfills the conditions of entry and / or stay provided by this Emergency Ordinance;
f) the alien’s right of residence, established by a visa, on the basis of international conventions or normative acts for the abolition of visas, or, as the case may be, by a residence permit or a small border traffic, ceased;
g) the alien was declared undesirable.
B. The notification does not contain the documents referred to above;
C. The validity of the prescribed documents has expired;
D. Notification has not been submitted within 30 days,

Objections to student mobility are communicated in writing, within 5 days from the date of their formulation, to the competent authorities of the first Member State and to the higher education institution which has sent the notification and which have the effect of prohibiting participation in the courses of the higher education institution the territory of Romania.


(1) The alien who has been granted or, as the case may be, has extended his / her right of residence to study in Romania may change his / her study profile or professional qualification in accordance with the legislation in force, provided that the total length of the intended stay for the initial studies is not exceeded.   

  (2) If, by changing the study profile or professional specialization, the total length of the stay required for the initial studies exceeds, a new long-stay visa for study purposes is required.



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